alla corte dei




The eighteenth dynasty of Egypt saw the presence of several warrior kings (Tuthmose I, Thutmose III and Amenhotep II) who played action of conquest and control of the city status of the Near East, increasing significantly the taxes that, annually, enriched the treasury of the kingdom.

The dynasty was characterized by the birth of two anomalies religious: the reign of the female pharaoh Hatshepsut, stepmother and co-regent of Thutmose III, and the kingdom "heretic" of Akhenaten (woman).

Understanding these "heresies" leads to reconsider the Egyptian religion, assuming an ancient stellar religion, based on 8/12 deities associated with the planets of the solar system.

The original vision of a stellar goddess mother (ancient Horus / Hathor) and a stellar god father (Ra / Horakhty) was replaced by the myth of Osiris, who, inspired by a global catastrophe that involved some of the planets of the solar system, built an allegory of the Great Flood of 5500 BC, creating some important syncretism of the stellar gods: Hathor, Sah and Apophys, with the land gods: Isis, Osiris and Set.

The religion of Osiris was associated with solar theophanies: Ra (Age of Taurus) and Amon (Age of Aries), but they were undervalued by kings Hatshepsut and Akhenaten, inspired respectively by the Jew Senenmut and the Mitannian Nefertiti.

The influence at court of Mitannian characters can be grasped with the presence of: the princess Mutemuia, the prince Yuia and his bride Thuja, their daughter Tiye and the princess Gilu Heba / Nefertiti.

Some situations seemed to compromise the Dynasty: the sterility of Tiye, the birth of a single male heir, Thutmose, a disease of Amenhotep III and a serious outbreak of plague.

The sterility of Tiye advised a new marriage of Amenhotep III with the princess Gilu Heba / Nefertiti, likely 1st degree cousin of Queen Tiye, but the assignment of the children of the new marriage to Tiye.

The premature death of the heir to the throne, the disease of the old king and the worsening of the epidemic suggested the appointment of two co-regents, consisting of Gilu Heba / Nefertiti and her daughter Amenhotep, and, subsequently, the creation of a new city, Akhetaten, dedicated to the sun disk Aten-Ra, where the co-regents would be placed in quarantine.

The various problems had to suggest a possible punishment of the Creator, so it was decided to revert to the old solar epiphany, but pointed out the physical appearance of the sun, Aton-Ra.

The heresy of the Aton was short-lived: the reign of Akhenaten (17), that of his brother Smenkhkara (1), the regency of Marytaten (3) and the first year of the reign of Tutankhaten.

After about 20 years, the army and the clergy of Amon imposed the restoration of the old religion, but the young Tutankhamun and the old Yuia / Ay managed to keep alive the Egyptian-Mitannian dynasty.

The last pharaoh of the dynasty, Horemheb, was attributed to the restoration, canceled politically heretic sovereigns, usurped their years of reign and decreed their damnatio memoriae, but, in order to govern, was forced to marry the daughter of Yuia / Ay , Mutnedjemet, thus continuing the tradition of Mitannian origin queens. The dynasty ended with the death of Horemheb, but with the successor Ramesses I, perhaps son of the first marriage of Mutnedjemet, the Mitannian blood continued to flow in the kings of the nineteenth dynasty.


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